Reception have had a fantastic first week back at school after the holidays. They were so excited to see their friends and share the news about what they had been up to and what lovely gifts they had received from Santa.
Category Archives: Latest News
Year Four DT
Year Four have had a fantastic first week back and have enjoyed completing their DT project, when making their Roman bread. The used their skills to cut, grate and peel their ingredients before creating their masterpieces and evaluating the effectiveness of their finished product.
Shape in Year One
This week in maths we’ve been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and today we’ve worked hard on creating patterns! Why not go on a shape hunt tonight and see what you can find at home that are 2D (triangles, rectangles, circles or squares) or 3D (cubes, cuboids, pyramids, spheres or cylinders) or if you […]
Nursery welcome in the New Year!
This week we have been learning about the New Year Celebrations. We have talked about what we did with our families for New Year and found out about some of the celebrations that happen around the world. We watched London’s celebrations, counting down with Big Ben and enjoying the fantastic firework display. We then all […]
Christmas in Nursery
We have had a busy week in Nursery, enjoying lots of Christmas festivities. We had a special visit from Santa and he even brought 2 of his reindeer that we learned some facts about! We have enjoyed a Christmas disco, making reindeer dust, making Christmas wrapping paper and cards! It’s been a busy, but very […]
Christmas crown designs in Reception
The children in Reception have been using their design skills this week to design their own Christmas hats. They had to select the buttons on the sides of the crown to complete the design before decorating with colours and patterns of their choice.
Christmas Pizzas in Year Two
Year two were tasked with designing, making and evaluating a vegetable pizza for their parents to help keep them healthy over Christmas. The children first thought about their favourite pizzas. They then tried a range of toppings and learnt how to safely cut and grate. They designed their pizzas before putting them together at our […]
A wonderful first term in Year Four
What a wonderful class Year Four are! As the end of their first term approaches, we can look back to see how much they’ve grown into fantastic Year Fours, shown their determination and resilience in their attitudes and achievements and made super progress with their learning. We can’t wait to see this positivity continue throughout […]
Invasion games in Year Five
The children are focusing on invasion games within their P.E sessions this half term. They worked on their communication skills as they exchanged the ball in specific patterns using learnt techniques.
Year One’s Artwork
Year One have been finding out about Peter Blake, a pop artist who created ‘The Toy Shop’. They’ve found out what ‘pop’ meant, how to collage and have practiced their drawing, shading and collage skills creating their own whole class toy shop window full of their favourite toys! They’ve also created their own small version […]