Long Lost Families – A Year Six census investigation

Year Six we’re presented with a mystery photograph of a family from the Victorian era. They were presented with an old, handwritten Victorian census taken 4 years after the photograph and a signature at the bottom of the picture. With this, children were tasked with identifying the name, age (when the photograph was taken, not […]

Year One’s Dentistry! 

In PHSE we have continued our learning about caring for our teeth. We have made our own toothbrush showing four ways to care for our teeth. We used circular actions to colour a set of teeth to remind us how to brush and sorted different foods to show if they were good or bad for […]

Gymnastic sequences in Reception

This term, Reception are building a sequence using a range of gymnastics movements. This week they have put together a sequence that includes a jump, roll and straddle. Well done Reception.  

School Closed Today – Thursday 19th January

We have taken the decision , due to health and safety reasons, to close Hillside today. Field Avenue is treacherous as are many surrounding roads and pavements. Your safety is our priority.

Year Four Scientists

Year Four have been working as scientists to sort and classify materials into solids, liquids and gases. They had excellent discussions to justify their reason for their sorting, then recorded their knowledge in Venn diagrams.  

Measuring Forces in Year Three

In our Science lesson we learnt how to measure Forces using a Force Meter. We went outside and used a Force Meter to measure how well a toy car travelled on different surfaces. We recorded our results.  

Space art in Year Five

We have been taking inspiration from our learning in science and our artist of term Chesley Bonestell. We have been experimenting with acrylic paints, considering how to mix effectively and the impact of shadows. Here are some wonderful examples of the children’s work.  

Nursery’s Emergency! 

This week the children have been learning about the Emergency Services and practising what to do in an emergency. When we visited the woods we made up our own emergency stories and pretended to ring 999, telling them of the emergency and where we were. Well done Nursery !

Reception: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week Reception have been designing chairs, beds and tables suitable for the 3 bears. The children selected their own materials, cut them to size and then thought carefully about how they were going to fix them together. We think they look amazing!      

Historical Local Maps in Year Two

Year Two began their local history topic by comparing two maps of Baddeley Green: one from 1950 and one from 2023. They coloured in differences with one colour and similarities with another. They found lots of interesting changes!