100% Attendance Assembly

A massive well done to the children who achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn Term. They were awarded a certificate in assembly in our special assembly this morning. There were a whopping 87 children in total- again, a great testament to the commitment to learning of the school community. A special mention to Year 2 […]

Reception Class Enjoy Winter Wonderland

Reception made a wish with Mrs Claus and had lots of fun on the caterpillar ride. What a fabulous day. Everyone is back on the coach now ready for home.  

Hillside’s City Songbirds

Well done to the City Songbirds who performed their Christmas concert at the Victoria Hall tonight. They were absolutely fantastic- a credit to the school! Well done.

Childen in Need 2016

Today Hillside raised £291.70 from our non-uniform ‘wear spots’ day in aid of the Children in Need charity. Thank you to Mrs Green who created a wonderful ‘showstopper cake’ with the theme M&M’s for a prize to whoever could guess the correct amount of M&M’s used within the cake. Megan and Noah were joint winners […]

Head Lice

We know that this is a difficult problem but as a school we need everyone to be extra vigilant regarding head lice. If you notice any eggs or lice in your child’s hair then please treat the lice immediately. You should check your children’s hair regularly, ideally once a week. We all need to work […]

Hillside Cross Country

Well done to Kate and Megan wood for representing hillside at the city cross country event .

Hillside Football Team

Two fantastic wins for our school football team last night: 2-0 against Waterside and 1-0 against Abbey Hulton. Keep up the good form!

Bring a Pound Day Fundraiser – Friday 7th October 2016

Thank you to everybody who donated money on Friday as part of our ‘bring a Pound’ day. The children had a fantastic time using their pound coins as voting chips to vote for the member of staff that they would most like to see ‘cream pied’. We raised a grand total of £261.81- with £152.94 […]