Key Stage 2 Sports Day Cancelled this afternoon – 22nd June

Please note that this afternoon’s sports event is cancelled due to the unsafe conditions as the grass is wet and slippy following this morning’s rain.  Weather permitting we will go ahead at the same time of 1.30pm next Thursday, 29th June.

Toplink Festival

Children from Year 3 and Year 4 enjoyed being involved in a range of sporting activities on Wednesday afternoon at Northwood Stadium, as part of the Change4Life Toplink Festival. Well done to everyone who participated!

Science Club

Another exciting week at Science Club, this time mixing together water with oil, making observations, then adding blue ice cubes to see what happens. The children then ‘wondered’ and investigated the impact of adding milk! Messy but interesting!

Safeguarding Alert for Parents

Could you please review whether your child uses Instagram social media and if they do whether they have had contact from, are ‘following’ or are ‘followed by’ user name “ali_love_you_2017” or similar. If this is the case could you please retain the device and contact the police quoting ref.065304/06/2017 for attention of PC 25187 Hoole. […]

KMAC assembly

Gregg Boughey from KMAC (Kids Move Against Cancer) came in to talk to us about a fundraising opportunity. In the Autumn term the children will have the chance to contribute to a 112 mile race!  Watch this space for more  information  in the new term.

Go Wild Forest Club

Today at Go Wild Forest School we have made some God Eyes, shelter building, hunting for mini-beasts & Identifying them using ID cards & to finish we play woodland games.

Science Club

Children have enjoyed exploring chromatography at Science club today. We can’t wait for some more excitement next week!!

Reception on a worm hunt

For our last week on the mini beast topic, Reception have been on a worm hunt. The children are holding up some of the worms they have found before we put them back into the soil!