Reception exploring the woods

Reception have had a fantastic afternoon exploring in the woods. We made our own muddy puddle so that we could investigate muddy wellie and hand prints. We made some great patterns. We also worked together carrying large branches to make dens, enjoyed climbing in the trees and just enjoyed being out in out lovely woodland […]

Year One’s Mezuzahs 

Year One have been making their own Mezuzahs which are linked to learning in RE ✡️ Mezuzahs are used by Jewish people who have them on their doors so that as they pass through the rooms of their house they remember their faith and how important their God is, as part of the Shema prayer, […]

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

Hillside is raising awareness of children’s mental health as part of the 2023 campaign, ‘Let’s Connect!’ 🙌 We’ve shared an assembly today that considered how when we work together and make connections, we can create truly wonderful things! Tomorrow we will be looking at online connections as part of Safer Internet Day and will be […]

Year Five Atlas hunt

We’ve begun our new area of learning in geography in Year Five – Scandinavia. As a start to this unit, we investigated the continent of Europe via an atlas hunt. The children demonstrated a fantastic understanding of the different countries in Europe and their locality.  

Being thankful in Reception

This week we have been learning about how Christians say thank you to God. We learned a song called Thank you Lord for this new day, which we really enjoyed singing. We also remembered how we celebrated Harvest in the Autumn term and how we collected food for the food bank. We then thought very […]

Parents and offspring in Year Two

We’ve had lots of fun looking at photos of ourselves as toddlers and our parents as year twos this week. The children loved guessing who was in the photo and everybody was very proud to reveal the answers! We’ve learnt that offspring look like their parents and that people change in many ways as they […]

Nursery explore number 2

This week we have been finding out about number 2, we have enjoyed listening to songs, rhymes and stories about number 2 and then finding lots of different ways of showing 2, using objects in the classroom, our bodies and print in the environment!

Making body fossils in Year Six

The children are learning about how different types of fossils are made. To supplement our learning, we recreated the process that forms a body fossil using plaster of Paris (sediment) and shells (bones). Children then presented their knowledge of fossils as a poster.

Year One’s Gymnastics

Year One have been practising their gymnastics skills, working hard to create sequences with jumps, rolls and balances! Every week their confidence and skills increase and it is wonderful to witness their focus when working in their PE lessons! 🏆  

Year Four PE

Year Four enjoyed practising and applying their games skills in PE this week when involved in a range of invasion games. Excellent team work and defending!