Year 6 Move Up Day

The new Year 6’s are showcasing their talents today in their new classroom. Colouring Mayan masks, code breaking and jigsaw portraits are some of the activities happening today!

Nursery Reading Challenge Prize – winners

Congratulations to these cheeky chappies for meeting the Nursery Challenge of reading at least 3 times a week. Their names were drawn out of a hat this morning in assembly and have won a lovely new book each. Well done to everybody who took on the challenge!

Reading Challenge Prize – winners!

Congratulations to Lewis (KS2) and Archie KS1) who have each won an Amazon Fire tablet. Their names were drawn out of a hat in assembly this morning. Well done to everyone who met the challenge of reading 5 times a week for this term. Superb!

Year 1 making toast

This morning, the Year 1 class enjoyed eating some toast that had been cooked over a fire by Mrs Green and Miss Nelson as part of their topic work. All the children said it was the best toast they have ever tasted. The children made sure the fire had been put out properly because they […]

Y4 educational visit to Coombes Valley

Year Four had a wonderful wet day at Coombes Valley yesterday. We found crayfish in the river, tadpoles and other creatures in the pond and went on a woodland walk, including a canopy walk on the rope bridge. Our last activity was learning about food chains, by dissecting owl pellets to discover skull bones, and […]

Go Wild Forest School

Yesterday we had a great day at Go Wild Forest School. We played woodland games & built dens! The children enjoyed hiding around the wooded area, howling like a wolf to find each other. They went foraging for flowers & leaves & liked painting them to make beautiful prints. Lastly, they absolutely loved playing & running […]

Year 5 Showcase

Thank you to all who attended the Year 5 showcase today. It was great to see everybody get stuck in with the machines project!

Hillside Book Launch!

Hillside pupils have been working on a project based around a swimming theme. Today, Peter Hooper of Cox Bank Publishers unveiled our book titled SPLASH! Here are some of the children who have had their writing or artwork included. Please find a letter with further details in your child’s bag tonight.

French Day

Year 5 hosted a successful French market today as part of French Day. All the classes came up to the market throughout the day and used their best French to ask for what they wanted. They then sat with a piece of baguette and had a go at a quiz. Well done to year 5 […]


Children from Year 6 have worked extremely hard over the past two days to achieve their Bikeability level 2 awards. Well done everyone. Also, a well done to the Year 5 children who achieved their level 1 yesterday after school.