Message from Mrs Schonau

It has been a pleasure to welcome back the children to the new school year. They all look really smart, refreshed after their break and full of enthusiasm for what lies ahead. We hope that they have enjoyed their first few days in their new classes and continue to settle well.  

Welcome back to Hillside

The Autumn term has arrived! We are all really looking forward to welcoming the children back this morning. See you soon.

Y3 Target Treat

Two months ago the children were given the challenge of setting themselves a target to improve their work. To win the prize they had to achieve their target in every lesson for two months. This afternoon our dedicated 8 achievers were rewarded with a mini party to celebrate their hard work!

Y6 Summer Ball

Our Year 6 leavers had an amazing time last night. You all looked fantastic – so grown up! We hope that you had lots of fun and that lasting memories were made. Thank you to your parents and the PTFA who helped to organise and set-up the evening.    

Summer Ball

Our resident DJ’s Frosty Melon’s ‘rocked da house’ tonight at our end of year summer ball.

Y3 end of year party

Year 3 ended the year in style with a fantastic buffet and some very inventive new dance moves at the Year 3 party!