Year Three Greek Olympics

Did you know the Ancient Greeks created the Olympics? They devised a range of activities to show their strength, speed and skill! Year Three have had a fab time trying out wrestling (with socks!) to see if they’d fancy being an Olympian!

Year Three Paralympics!

Year Three are enjoying a range of activities that are played in the Paralympics. They have to wear masks to hinder their sight and stay on their knees or bottom so that they have a sense of what limited movement may be like. We’re having a fab time but are glad that we’re lucky enough […]

Message from Mrs Schonau

Further to yesterday’s text … There had been an isolated incident in Milton whereby two young girls were approached by a male on Wednesday night.  Police are aware of the incident.  No more details are available.    

Stokies Stride Out Stoke-on-Trent Walking Festival Sunday 15 to Sunday 29 October 2017

Stokies Stride Out  Stoke-on-Trent Walking Festival Sunday 15 to Sunday 29 October 2017 Join us over two weeks this autumn for more than 80 free, fun and friendly guided walks, all led by experienced walk leaders. There’s something for everyone in this year’s festival; whatever your age, ability or interests. All our walks can be […]

Football Training

Our School Football Team worked hard after school in training to prepare for their games next week.

Go Wild Forest School

Go Wild Forest School had a lovely afternoon. We all had a little treat, we made boiling water using a Storm Kettle to make hot chocolate & we toasted marshmallows! Some children helped start the fire using a flint and steel and others build dens or explored the forest. Later we drilled holes into conkers […]

School Football Team

Tonight, our school football team played two games: a hard-fought 0-0 draw against local rivals Milton and an inspired 3-0 win against St Marks. Well done!

Anglo-Saxon Brooches

After evaluating brooches from the past and drawing a detailed design, today year 5 brought their creations to life!

Ancient Greek drama!

Did you know the Ancient Greeks are famous for the theatre and drama? Year Three do and we know lots of facts about who could act, what their masks were like and why! Ask us about it! We designed and made our own too, showing a character or emotion.