School Closure – Monday 11th December

Following a site inspection tonight, Hillside will be closed tomorrow, Monday 11th December.  There is considerable snow in and around the premises and freezing temps forecast overnight. Your child’s safety is paramount. We will keep you updated. Apologies that due to technical reasons we have been unable to publish this closure on the Stoke-on-Trent City […]

Panto at the Mitchell Arts Centre

We have all returned from the panto, had lunch and enjoyed playtime in the snow.  We have had a fantastic time – Oh no we haven’t – oh yes we have!

Smartie Fractions!

Year Three have been working hard on their mathematical fractions today… counting smarties to find what fraction each colour represented, what fraction they may have eaten and any lost or shared chocolates! Their understanding of challenging word problems was that good they had the bonus of eating their packs too! Well done Year Three.

Oh no! What have you done this time Snowflake?

The nursery children searched and searched but they couldn’t find her. Suddenly they noticed lots of sand and all the things from the sand tray scattered across the floor. Snowflake ❄️ was hiding in the sand. What a mess!

Snowflake’s Adventures!

Snowflake was spotted hanging around in the Year Three classroom today! She’d pinched a bauble from the tree but she’d added lots of tinsel in exchange! Where will she head tomorrow?!

Ice Cream Farm

Reception have had a fantastic day today! We had fun in the play factory, explored honeycomb valley and rode on the quad bikes. But of course the highlight of the day was meeting Father Christmas and telling him what was on our Christmas list!

What has Snowflake been up to now?

Oh my goodness! What has Snowflake been up to over the weekend? She’s tipped out all of books in the book corner! She did say sorry though!

Reception Class Forest School

After finding out that the birds have eaten all of the food on our bird feeders, we decided to build a massive bonfire!