Forest School

Reception have had a fantastic time in the woods this afternoon. We have been on a treasure hunt looking for feathers, stones, acorns, oak leaves and berries. We then decided who was 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th for our maths work.  

House Team Reward

The green team had a fantastic time in the woods yesterday afternoon. They wrapped up warm and made their way into the school woods. There they played games and used clay and their surroundings to create anything they liked. The session finished with juice and biscuits and a big well done for winning the term […]

Catering Vacancy

Kitchen Assistant required at Hillside Primary School – approximately 12.15-1.15pm Monday to Friday.  Minimum 5 hours a week. If interested please contact Suzanne Hackett: 01782 233366.

Head Lice

We know that this is a difficult problem but as a school we need everyone to be extra vigilant regarding head lice. Please check your child’s hair.  If you notice any eggs or lice in your child’s hair then please treat the lice immediately. You should check your children’s hair regularly, ideally once a week. […]

Nursery class meet Jasmine

The children in nursery have made a new friend this afternoon! Jasmine has been in to nursery to introduce herself and to talk about the things that make us special and special days that we have. It is Jasmine’s birthday on Friday so we are going to have a party for her. Look out for […]

Dough Disco in the Nursery

Yesterday, we took our little hands and fingers to the Dough Disco, we had a brilliant time dancing away and we had worked our fingers very hard by the end of the disco! Working our fingers in the dough will help our fine-motor skills ready for us to begin writing.

Netball Tournament

A big Well done to our Y6 Netball team for representing Hillside in the North Stoke competition. The team played fantastically well but were finally defeated in the last game.  

Stupendous Stone Age!

Year Three have started their new topic today all about the stupendous Stone Age! Unfortunately we have no real Stone Age items to handle but we used our investigative skills to discuss items that may have been found or used millions of years ago.  We’ll be finding out how people who are our descendants lived, what […]

Importance of reading assembly

During today’s assembly, the children received an important message about the importance of reading. Many children were surprised by the positive impact of reading widely and often. Hopefully this will inspire them to tackle the reading challenge this term and read five times a week for the next six weeks.

Happy New Year!

We have loved welcoming the children back into school this week and have enjoyed hearing all about their festive activities. The children have made a good start to the new term which proves, once again, to be busy and action-packed. The children’s topic diaries will all have been sent by today which are filled with […]