Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations to Noah who has completed the Better Reading Partnership! He has spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improve his reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and has worked hard with his parents at home. Well done for making  great progress!


Year 5 spent the afternoon learning about the Ancient Egypt mummification process. They then followed the steps to successfully mummify an orange!

And they’re off!

Year Three are doing their bit to raise money for KMAC! Go on Year Three, you can do it! (Wonder if Greg is feeling tired yet…)

Nursery are loving running!

Nursery are loving running around the big playground. They even wanted to do an extra lap. Well done Nursery!

We are ready!

Gregg has delivered our KMAC assembly this morning filling us full of energy and enthusiasm for our running today! Let’s go…


Reception Superheroes have been thinking of ways to catch the baddies and have come up with this amazing slime!