World Book Week Theatre Performance

Well done to the children (and parents) for braving the cold and snow this morning. We are now all cosy in the hall watching a performance of Charlotte’s Web. This will act as a stimulus for the children’s English lessons this week.

Shugborough Residential

Mrs. Rushton went to Shugborough during half term to meet the team and see where Year Three will be staying in a few weeks! It was very exciting: lots of activities are planned linked to the Stone Age and the yurts looked great and very roomy! Please be advised that your child will need lots […]

Stop and Read!

The tambourine has just sounded which means everybody has stopped what they are doing and picked up a book to read. I wonder if and when it will sound again?

Y6 Tasting Menu

Y6 made their own tasting menu from an assortment of books and indulged with hot chocolate and biscuits.

Important Information for Nursery Parents

This term, HMRC are encouraging parents who want to take up the 30 hours funding in the Summer term to apply now – and no later than the end of February, to get their code in good time and to avoid any future issues. Parents who already have an eligibility code are encouraged to reconfirm […]

World Book Week Begins!

Every child at Hillside has been ‘book tasting’ today! They’ve each had menus to sample, books to choose from and different texts to taste and develop a love of! So far many of the children have tried a different book and said that they want to read on, widening their tastes and extending their vocabulary! […]

A reminder about our school policy on hair

During term time pupils are asked not to have fashion hairstyles which include: shaved, dyed or streaked hair, beading, patterns, mohawks, lines and tramlines.’ Please also be reminded that pupils are not permitted to wear nail varnish unless this is clear. These both form part of our school dress policy for pupils which can be […]

Chinese New Year

What fun Reception have had celebrating Chinese New Year. We have done the Dragon and ribbon dance. Tasted Chinese food and used the chopsticks to play with the coloured spaghetti. What a lovely end to a very busy week.

Stone Age Tools

Year Three have been researching and making Stone Age tools this week. They’ve used great teamwork to tie up their tools and have created some fantastic axes, spears and weapons! Their painting and tools are on display and look fantastic.