Year One’s Easter Singing!

Year One have been practising their Easter songs 🐣 this week in preparation for the church service next week! They’ll be learning about the Easter story (as well as singing about chocolate!) and have practised their musical tune, pace, singing in chorus and actions! 🎵  

Djembe music in Reception

This week Reception have been reading the story of Handa’s Surprise, a lovely story about a little girl who lives in Kenya, Africa. We learned a song about the story called 7 Juicy Fruits and accompanied it with these African drums which are called Djembes. The children were amazing and loved learning about African cultures […]

Exploring careers in Year Four

Year Four were asking some excellent questions to our visitors during careers afternoon. They were asking how they had got their job, any challenges they had faced over time and how the work they did made a difference for others, to name but a few. It also gave the children the opportunity to broaden their […]

Careers Day

As part of National Careers Week we held a careers fair, this was a huge success with lots of careers talk taking place throughout the school. In the hall the children had the opportunity to talk to workers from Catch22, the NHS, Stoke on Trent City Council, Keele University, Bet365, Staffordshire Police and Asda. They thought […]

Nursery’s Creative Creatures

This week, we have finished our creatures that we started for World Book Week, we created our own creature and painted it. We then used our creature to tell a story about the adventures the creature went on. We had some great imaginative stories!  

Handa’s Surprise in Reception

This week Reception have been reading the lovely story of Handa’s Surprise. The story is about a little girl who lives in a rural village in Kenya, Africa. After reading the story, we found Kenya on our world map, then discussed the similarities and differences between Handa’s homelife and ours.    

Soup Chefs in Year Five

As part of our DT learning on culture and seasonality, this week we have made and evaluated our own winter vegetable soups. We carefully practised different forms of peeling and cutting safely to prepare our soup. Also, we tasted and evaluated our creations.    

More Art in Year One

Year One have continued their artwork linked to the fire of London this week. They used poster paint to add houses then used their collage skills to add flames! They will share their work in a gallery, commenting on what they like, how they could improve their painting and considering if their houses are truly […]

School closed today – Friday 10th March

Due to heavy snow fall overnight, the condition of Field Avenue and surrounding roads, the continuing snowfall forecast for the morning, we have taken the decision, for health and safety reasons to close Hillside today. The decision has been made for the safety of parents, our children and staff.

Year Three – Perimeter Master!

Year Three have been busy understanding perimeters by using concrete and pictorial resources. They even measured their own tables.