Reading Rocket

Reading Rocket for this half term ends this week. The children still have until Sunday 1st April to ensure they have read five times per week. Please ensure your child’s reading diary has been signed and they will be checked on the first day back after Easter (Monday 16th April). As always, thank you for […]

Year 2’s African Assembly

Thank you to all of the parents, carers and families that came to watch Year 2’s African assembly. The children were fantastic- they’ve worked so hard learning their lines and songwords. Well done to all of them!  

Judo champ inspired Hillside!

Tom Davis, a gold medal winner in the sport of judo came in to visit Hillside yesterday! Year 3, 4 and 5 all got to train with him and learn about balance and how to train to become a medal winner – how inspiring! (We won’t be throwing anyone around any time soon though – […]

Year Three’s Stone Age Assembly

Thank you to the parents and carers who came to our assembly on Monday! We were really pleased to see you there and hope you learned something about the Stone Age, as well as enjoying our singing! 🎵

Forest School

Reception have been making bows and arrows in the woods today.

World Book Dressing Up Day – re-arranged date

A reminder that Monday 26th March is our rearranged World Book dressing up day. Year 3 are to come into school in their uniform and will change into their costume and their assembly. Don’t forget your child can bring in a favourite book to share with class.  

Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations to Hollie who has completed the Better Reading Partnership! She has spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improve her reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and has worked hard with her parents at home. Well done for making  great progress!