
Three of our year 5s went to Ormiston Horizon Academy to take part in hockey training tonight. They showed superb teamwork skills in their preparation for the tournament in a few weeks!

Bike It Breakfast

A fantastic turnout again for our Bike it Breakfast. Well done Hillside!!! Thank you to everyone who braved the downpour to support our Big Pedal event and give us a boost on our bike and scooter numbers today. The children have enjoyed their breakfasts and we had eight raffle prize winners, who are each taking […]

Wriggly worms!

Year Three have been working with worms this afternoon! As part of our science topic on Rock and Soils, we have been looking at how soil is created and have made composting tools using real life worms! The worms have been layered in to bottles with scraps to feast on and we can’t wait to […]

Wild Play after school club

Year 5 have enjoyed another session of Wild Play in the woods. This week, we played games, created nature spirits from clay and natural materials, and went mini-beast hunting.

Take Cover!

Year Three have been finding out about another extreme form of weather – earthquakes! They’ve rated quakes on the Mercelli Scale and reacted speedily to an earthquake alarm sounding loudly! Can you spot them under their desks? 🏔

Go Wild Forest School

Great session at Go Wild Forest School. Children had free-play & made lots of imaginary stories to reenact in the woods. We played with slime and talked about how it feels. We went on a hunt for insects and loved exploring the area to discover treasures.

Hillside Dance Crew

Thank you to the Hillside Dance Crew for kicking off our International Day of Dance celebrations. They performed in assembly this morning and we were amazed by their superb talent. Well done!

Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations to Ronnie, Lydia and Rylan who have completed the Better Reading Partnership! They have spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improve their reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and have worked hard with their parents at home. Well done for making great progress!