Orienteering and communication in Year Five

In our P.E. sessions this half term, we are working on developing our map skills within the field of orienteering. As we transition further through our learning, we will be using our communication skills as a team to overcome a series of challenges. Here is the children completing a task of arranging themselves in order […]

Year One’s Grouping

Year One have been finding and working with groups in Maths. They began by counting in tens and seeing how this made addition much quicker! They then had to work out whether or not groups were equal – and if they weren’t, make them equal by adding or subtracting until the groups had the same […]

Agility in Reception

This week, Reception have been focusing on developing their agility in P.E. They have been practising speed bounces, slalom runs and power jumps.

Year Three: Star Words in Science

Year Three learnt scientific vocabulary linked with the life cycle of plants. Lots of gestures and moving about to remember germination, fertilisation, seed, pollination and disperse.

Year Five Coders

This week, we have been soaring through our coding unit of computing in Year Five. Together, we looked at conditions and how they affected actions. It was wonderful to see the children modifying some existing pieces of code with their own conditions.  

Honeybees in Reception

This week for the start of our new topic of minibeasts, we have been learning all about bees! We were amazed to find out that they had 5 eyes and that they could smell and taste through their antennae. We have been using our fine motor skills to fill the cells on the flower like […]

Year One’s Coding

Welcome back to the summer term! ☀️ This week we’re coding as part of our computing learning. We’ve learned about algorithms (instructions) and created our own patterns using ScratchJnr to move a sprite around the screen. We added backgrounds, created algorithms to move the sprite and used a start and stop tool too. We also edited […]

The Easter Story

Reception have been finding out about the Easter story this week. We went on a treasure hunt to find clues to help us to retell the story. We collected the clues on our story sticks. We found grey felt for the donkey, feathers for the birds in the temple, a goblet for the last supper, […]

Year One’s Visit to Ford Green Hall

Year One visited Ford Green Hall this week to finish our topic about the Great Fire Of London 🔥 They met Samuel Pepys and helped to put out the fire! They also learned about food from 1666 and what it would have been to have been rich or poor. They also learned about how houses […]

Judaism Assembly

Martin from Newcastle synagogue came to talk to the children about Judaism. He brought along lots of interesting artefacts, such as a menorah, tallit shawl and lots of mezuzahs. He also described what each of them was used for. The children were fascinated and asked lots of pertinent questions.