Y6 Stanley Head – update on Day 2

Year six have been off-site all day today. In the morning all children had great fun exploring a mine. They all did extremely well and many conquered fears of darkness and small spaces. After stopping for dinner at Parsley Hay, we ventured to The Roaches. After clambering through tights gaps and climbing over large boulders, […]

Y6 residential – Stanley Head Day 2

Year 6 have slept well, eaten their breakfast and completed their chores. Parents, don’t be fooled when they get home, some of the children are very skilled at hoovering up and washing dishes. They are now preparing for their day of activities. We will keep you updated.    

Bedtime at Stanley Head

Year 6 are now preparing for bed. They are having a hot chocolate and a piece of cake to celebrate Lewis’s birthday. Some children are even contemplating a shower! The teachers are hopeful that all children manage to fall asleep quickly in preparation for caving and bouldering tomorrow.

Y6 residential – Stanley Head Day 1

The children have settled in well, half of them have been doing the climbing wall and the other half have been on rifle shooting (fortunately no staff were injured during this…). This evening is the Clipper Trail. Here are some photos of the day’s antics: j

Year 1 at Ford Green Hall

Year 1 are having a fantastic time at Ford Green Hall. They have enjoyed finding out about the Great Fire of London and life in 1666.

Year 6 arrive at Stanley Head OEC

Year 6 have arrived full of excitement and are ready and prepared for their afternoon of activities. Surprisingly, the children have all made their own beds with only a little help from the teachers. We will keep you updated with more news throughout the week.  

Reading Rocket

Just a reminder that the ‘Reading Rocket’ will continue to run until Sunday 27th May, 2018 for this half term. The children’s reading diaries will be checked on Monday 4th June so please ensure they are signed and up to date.

Hockey Tournaments

Well done to all of our Year 3, 4 and 5 Hockey teams that competed in the tournaments this week.