Year One’s Guided Reading

Year One have been working hard in their whole class guided reading lesson today! They had to retell the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, act it out (very dramatically and in the style of Ian Billings!) and then work as teams to find out if Mrs Rushton’s statements were true or false using […]

Ian Billings Workshop Y4

Year 4 enjoyed working with Ian to create exciting settings. There was lots of laughter and fun! They used their imaginations well to add extra details to their descriptions.

Creative Writing in Y6

Some children from Year 5 and 6 are working together this afternoon in a creative writing session. The children are using the stimulus of the Weeping Window to write emotive war poetry. The children are also using art work and video clips to understand the conditions the WW1 soldiers endured and hopefully their poetry will […]

Ian Billings with Years One and Two

Year One and Two have created settings during their workshop this afternoon. They thought carefully about different places that stories could be set – including on a doughnut! – and they used their imaginations well to add exciting details! Ask them to show you their imaginations tonight (and make sure they use the sound effect!)

Stories with Ian Billings

Key Stage One and Reception have enjoyed a visit from a famous author, Ian Billings. Ian showed the children how easy it was to use their imagination to create stories. The children helped by taking on a variety of roles in an alternative retelling of the Hansel and Gretel story.

Ian Billings Workshop- Year 6

Year 6 are enjoying their workshop with Ian Billings. They have laughed lots this morning: enjoying Ian’s jokes and stories. They are now helping Ian to write a setting description using imaginative techniques to elicit effective vocabulary, detail and ideas. Ask your child about their learning today… we are sure you’ll receive some unusual answers!

Using the woodland to support learning

Year 6 have enjoyed using the woodland area to support their English learning. They personified objects they found in the woods; making sure they used effective Year 6 vocabulary and imagery. They will use these sentences in their twisted fairy tale that they will be writing next week.