Remembrance Day making in Y2!

Today, Year 2 had a fantastic morning designing leaves for Milton Church with Mr.Such for Remembrance Day. We even collaged poppies with autumnal colours too! We have a brilliant morning, and we can’t wait to see them displayed for the community to see! It’s open on the 10th and 11th November so feel free to […]


Mr Such came into Year 6 in preparation for the 100 year commemoration of the end of WW1 – Armistice Day. We created flower boxes in which will be inserted an oasis with flowers. These will be displayed during the Remembrance Assembly.

Local Democracy Event

Jack, Keira and Reggie had the opportunity to visit the King’s Hall Stoke to gain an understanding  of what is democracy, why we have it. They got chance to meet the Lady Mayor and they worked together with local Councillors to discuss how to make our local area safer.  

Year One create a Peace Banner

Mr Such from Milton Parish Church came in to Year One this morning as part of his work with the whole school on remembrance. Year One worked collaboratively to create a peace banner reflecting all nationalities and showing leaves of peace surrounding and falling from trees that will be displayed in Milton Church for Remembrance […]

Year One’s Moving Pictures

Year One have created moving pictures using different forms of transport today as part of their design and technology work. They investigated books with different levers, flaps and pull bars and then created their own picture using a lever design. Well done Year One!

The Good Samaritan Y2

This afternoon, Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon role playing the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ in our R.E lesson. We learnt the story, and we discussed why it is right to help someone who needs it. We even discussed that the priest and the Levite were wrong to walk away especially considering they were seen as […]

Playground Leader Training Y5

This afternoon, our Year 5 playground leaders took part in a training session run by Mr Edwards. They learned lots of new qualities, skills and games to use during lunchtimes. As usual, they listened and behaved extremely well showing excellence at all times. Well done!

Forest School

Reception took advantage of this gorgeous weather in the woods.  They were exploring, investigating, story telling, role-playing and having a fantastic time.

Whole Class Photo Day

The stage is set for our whole class photos today. Hopefully the children will be be giving their best smiles. Proofs will be sent home with each child within the next few days.

Forest Schooling

Our forest schoolers have thoroughly enjoyed building dens to keep themselves safe and dry in the woods. Super team work and collaboration by everyone!