Year Three have worked hard this afternoon to learnt about levers and linkage. They are currently making a waving hand mechanism. Look out for the finished product soon!
Category Archives: Latest News
Around the world in Reception
This week we have been learning all about Spain. We found where it is on the map, what the flag looks like, what kids of food people in Spain like to eat and lots of other interesting facts. We then created a fact file to help us remember all of the information.
Summer in Year One
To finish our Science and Geography learning about seasonal change in Year One, we have visited the woods and taken our own photographs of signs of summer. We talked about new plant growth, the leaf canopy, insects and animals and considered our clothing too! We also used our technology skills to line up and take […]
Year One’s PE Skills
Year One have been practising their PE throwing and catching skills! A few of them managed to pass the beanbag between themselves for over three minutes without dropping it once! ⭐️ They had to also improve their accuracy and flip the cones in a throwing race – the determination shown was incredible! 🤩 Well done!
Mr Gray visits Year Six to talk about life during WW2.
This afternoon, children have been visited by Mr Gray, who has helped children in their information gathering on WW2 by coming in to talk about his childhood growing up in Stoke-on-Trent during World War Two. He has brought in a number of resources for children to observe including old newspapers, and photographs of bomb damage […]
Year Three: Geographers on site
Year Three took part of the Orienteering unit linked in Geography, applying their learning at reading a map. They went around the school to find a location and answered questions using a details map.
Year One’s Djembes!
Year One have enjoyed making music outside this week! They used the djembes to create rhythms and songs together, working carefully on making sure they kept to the beat. They sounded amazing! 🪘
Design Technology in Reception
This week, Reception have been design wizards. They were set a challenge to create a maze that they could move a magnetic ball through with a magnet. Look at the amazing designs that they came up with!
Penguin’s in Year One
Year One have been labelling penguins in English this week. They also used their computing skills to find facts about penguins which will help them to create poems next week! 🐧
Reception: A walk in Paris
This week Reception have been learning all about France, through the story A Walk in Paris. The children have learned to say Hello in French as well as a number of other words. They have also learned the song Frere Jacques, which they loved. In the provision, the children deepened their understanding with activities about […]