Rama and Sita in the forest

Following on from our learning about Divali, Reception have been re-enacting the story of Rama and Sita. After being rescued from the ten headed demon, Rama and Sita followed the Diva lamps home, where the rest of Reception were waiting to celebrate with some Indian dancing!    

Mark making in the woods

Nursery had a lovely time in the woods yesterday. We did lots of mark-making using paintbrushes and water to paint on the trees, sticks to draw in the leaves and clipboards, pencils and paper to draw pictures of what we could see. Some of the children loved to search for dinosaurs, there was a sighting of […]

Y2 Jodrell Bank trip

What a day we’ve had! It’s been very busy with us learning all about space! We went into the inflatable planetarium where we discovered that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! We explored the exhibitions and we learnt many new facts! We loved the display where we saw the Earth […]

Year One’s Shape Hunt

Year One have been finding 2D shapes in their environment today! They hunted around school for lots of different shapes, completing tricky classroom missions to spot triangles and pentagons amongst other shapes. They even found a tricky hexagon at the end of a pencil thanks to Jack in Year Six! What shapes can you spot […]

Odd Sock Day & Anti Bullying Week

Today the children came to school wearing odd socks, in assembly this morning we thought about why we were doing this – Odd Socks show that we are all different but we are all equal! The theme for this year’s Anti-bullying week is ‘Choose Respect’, during the week each class will be learning more about […]


Reception have been learning about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Divali today. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita and then created their own rangoli patterns and mendhi hands.

Cookery Club

The children in the Cookery Club worked really hard making their pizzas! Hope they tasted as good as they looked.

Children in Need – Cake Sale & Pudsey Cake Raffle

To support Children in Need we are holding a cake sale on Friday 16th November in the main hall at 3.15pm.  Our Y6 cookery club, with Mrs Green, will be busy baking cakes to sell at a cost of 30p each.  She will also be holding a raffle to win a ‘Pudsey Cake’ which she […]

What a busy week in Nursery!

Last week the Nursery were very busy and had so much fun. The children explored the woods for the first time on Monday, they had a great time and were very independent in finding their way around!  We started our learning about bonfire night, we made our own chocolate sparklers, had a turn of a real […]

Y5’s amazing super silhouette soldiers

Y5 have been working extremely hard this afternoon to create silhouettes of soldiers. They describe them as imaginative and colourful. Don’t they look effective?