Mystery Reader in Nursery

A huge thank you to Orla’s mummy who has been in to read ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. The children loved listening to the story and were very good at joining in. We look forward to see who comes next week.

Important: Nursery Funding Spring 2019

To ensure that you can access the 30 hour nursery funding for spring 2019 you must reconfirm with HMRC before 31 December 2018. If this is not reconfirmed before this date then nursery charges will apply from January 2019. To keep your 30 hours free childcare place you need to check your details are up […]

Amerton Farm Fun!

Nursery had the most amazing day at Amerton Farm, the rain didn’t stop us from having fun! We had a ride on a train and spotted scarecrows, a crocodile and some sheep. After our lunch we went on a tractor and trailer ride to see Santa, we each got the chance to talk to Santa […]

Nursery at Amerton Farm

Nursery children are looking forward to a trip on the train to see the animals and we can’t wait to visit Santa later!

Snowflake the Snowballer!

Last night Snowflake came into Y2 to cause mischief! She’s decided to build snowmen and then have a snowball fight! It looks like the poor snowmen had no chance as Snowflake took the victory! Look out for where she turns up next!  

Christmas Concert Tickets

The first allocation concert tickets have been sent home with your child tonight, please check their school bags. We regret that there are no additional tickets available for the KS2 concert at 6.30pm on Tuesday 11th December.  There is however some availability for the KS2 concert at 9.30am on Wednesday 12th and for the Reception/KS1 […]

Edible moons in Year Five!

Year Five enjoyed learning about phases of the moon as part of their science topic of Space. Oreos appeared to be the ideal resource to show the waxing and waning of the moon…and they tasted pretty good too!