Evil Pea

The Evil Pea has landed in Reception and created chaos !! The children are engaged in a number of activities to help Supertato to defeat the Evil Pea and restore order.  

100% Attendance Assembly

A huge well done to the 81 pupils who were commended in assembly this morning for their 100% Attendance during the Autumn Term. It was amazing to see such a large number of children on the stage again. Thank you to the parents and families who came along to support the children.

Maths in Year 4

To support their maths learning, the Year 4 children are enjoying completing games on the iPads. They are practicing telling the time and converting analogue to 12hr and 24hr digital.  You can access these games at home on www.topmarks.co.uk

Woodlands adventures Year 5

We had a fantastic morning in the woods yesterday. We measured trees, located them on a map using coordinates, calculated the age of trees and identified some diseases that they had. Although it was a bit chilly, we really enjoyed ourselves and did lots of learning.    

Year One’s enormous turnip soup!

As part of their work in PSHCE, the children in Year One learned the story of the Enormous Turnip! After acting out and sequencing the story, they made turnip soup (using a large turnip, carrots, onion and stock with a dash of milk to make it creamy!) and it was surprisingly delicious! 🥕  

Cricket Y2

This half-term Y2 are very lucky because we are having cricket coaching every Thursday afternoon. Today, we learnt catching and throwing skills –  even moving to catching with one hand! We enjoyed the afternoon, and we can not wait to learn how to play the game!

Mystery Reader in Reception

Reception were excited to meet our first mystery reader of the New Year.  Brooke’s Nana had come to share one of her favourite books with us. She had chosen Argghh Spider by Lydia Monks, which happens to be one of Reception’s 25 Best Reads.

FAO: Reception to Year 6 – Reading Rocket

Parents/Carers, We are continuing with the reading challenge initiative from Monday 14th January and it will end on Sunday 17th February, 2019 To achieve the Reading Rocket, your child must read at least five times per week during this next half term (this includes weekdays or over the weekend) and this reading must be completed […]

Year 5 Tree Surgeons!

Year 5 are all wrapped up and enjoying learning about the job of a tree surgeon! This is just the first activity of the morning, look out for updates as the morning progresses!

TT Rockstars in Y5

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed being rockstars and rocking their way to the top, by beating Year 4 in the rock off (by a very small margin). They all looked fantastic in their outfits and also wrote some interesting recounts of what they had got up to during the holidays…as rockstars!