Y3 Cookery Club

Cookery club have made healthy twice-baked jacket potatoes! They have stuffed them with vegetables and cheese.  

Our Beanstalks in Nursery!

This week nursery have been learning about Jack and the beanstalk, we have thought about what Jack might need to make his beanstalk grow and planted our own beanstalks. We are going to see whose beanstalk gets to the castle first!

Mystery Reader in Nursery

Thank you to our mystery readers from this week and last week, Jocelyn’s mummy and Mason’s daddy read some lovely stories to us. We sat and listened beautifully and really enjoyed them, we can’t wait to see who is coming next week!

Investigating perimeter in Year 5

Year 5 children have been given a perimeter challenge in maths today. How many rectilinear shapes can they make with a given perimeter? They are working hard at investigating the different possible shapes that can be made.

Mystery Reader in Year One

Thank you to Mrs Fenton who came and read to us today! We loved listening to the story of ‘Pumpkin Soup’ and sharing our favourite moments from the story. Evie’s Nannie read with such lovely expression we really enjoyed her story! Thank you 📚🎃

Year One’s Weather Reports

As part of our learning in geography, we have been looking at the UK today and naming the countries and capital cities. We also talked a lot about the weather we’ve been seeing lately and then in our teams, created our own weather reports! Each time they gave a report about the country, they gave […]

Cress heads and Evil Pea fritters

As part of our topic we have been investigating vegetables this week. We have made our very own cress head characters and with the left over eggs we have made pea and sweetcorn fritters! Yummy!  

Evil Pea strikes again

Evil Pea has been up to his tricks again! He has frozen Supertato in ice and the Reception class children have to try and rescue him!