Congratulations to our latest ‘Better Reader’

She has completed the Better Reading Partnership, spending the last ten weeks working with Mrs Green to improve her reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and has worked hard with her parents at home. Well done for making great progress!

Go Wild!

Yesterday was an amazing afternoon. Children took part in a ‘sit spot’. They find somewhere in the woods to sit…under a tree…or on a log.They listen to the sounds, feel & draw. They can draw a picture, write a poem or a story. It’s up to them. One of the children created a poem she […]

Mystery Reader in Year One

Thank you to Freddie’s Aunty Lauren who came in to read ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ to us today! Freddie’s shocked face was wonderful to see and the children loved listening and remembering all of the clothes that the giant gave away to help others! The story fit in brilliantly with our assemblies on being […]

Seasonal Change in Year One

Year One have been in to the woods this afternoon observing seasonal change! They found lots of exciting signs of winter including rain drops, holly, evergreen and deciduous trees as well as lots of mud! They had lots of ideas about how the seasons change and asked lots of questions about why even though the […]

Reception’s Mystery Reader

Today Harper’s mum came to read us a story. It was called ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and the children helped with the story by making the noises of the animals. They loved this story and sat beautifully.

 Fruit Salad

This week Reception have been reading the story, ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’. We have also been learning about how fruit is good for our bodies. After writing our own fruity shopping lists, we made our own! It was yummy!

Reception Class Church Visit

As part of our topic, Reception visited Milton Parish Church to find out more about this special place for Christians. Mr Such came with us and told us much information about the history of the church and what all of the special objects were for. We went on a treasure hunt where we had to […]

Mud Painting in the Woods!

Nursery have been busy collecting mud to make their own paint, they have enjoyed using their  mud paint to practice name writing and letter formation. We even had some beanstalks painted up the trees! Some of the children went back to look at the shoots they had spotted last week and were impressed to see how […]