Fun in the snow for Nursery!

Nursery children are having amazing time in the snow, they are enjoying making snow angels, building snowmen and crunching the fresh snow!

Y3/4 Forest Schooling

Our new group of forest schoolers have made a great start to their sessions this term, despite the cold weather. So far they have explored the woodland, built dens and helped to make a fire, in order to enjoy some well deserved hot chocolate. We are looking forward to seeing the changes in the woods […]

School Football Team

Our school football team have played two weeks of fixtures since coming back after Christmas. With a few new faces, the team have had to adapt to new positions and tactics but have done brilliantly so far, particularly during a 3 nil win against Hanley St Luke’s. With one fixture week left, it’s all to […]

Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been investigating friction today. Children created a board for their rubber duck to skate down the ramp on. They were aiming to create the least amount of friction in order for it to travel the quickest. Round 1 results are in but tomorrow they will get the chance to modify their board. […]

Bananagram Championships

In assembly today, Mrs Wainwright delivered an assembly on Bananagrams. At Hillside we are holding our own Bananagram Championships in school for years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Bananagrams is an addictive word game wherein lettered tiles are used to spell words- like Scrabble but without the board. The children will begin by battling against each […]

WW2 learning in Year 5

Mr Gray is helping Year 5 with their learning about WW2. He is providing us with a talk about his own experiences of living through the war. He has a wealth of resources both from, and about the war and is explaining what life was like for a child during this time. The children are […]

Mini-me Yoga

This afternoon Year 4 have been enjoying their first Mini-me yoga session. They have practicing yoga poses and exploring breathing techniques. Ask your child to show you their favourite pose – popular ones include the giraffe pose, the boat pose and giggle breath. Lots of fun!

Fantastic Learning in Nursery!

This week we have read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’, throughout the week the children have been role-playing a green grocers using real vegetables, exploring the cut up vegetables, sorting vegetables by their initial sounds and creating vegetable plots with different construction materials. We also used the vegetables to do some lovely colourful printing – we […]

Safer Internet Day 2019 

Safer Internet Day 2019 (Tuesday 5th February) is only a few weeks away and teachers in school are busy making preparations. As part of this they have been speaking with children about the games and applications they use. Here are a series of parent guides produced by National Online Safety  around the most common games and apps […]