Safer Internet Day in Y5

To learn about internet safety, Year 5 were presented with some scenarios which they might find themselves in. They then had the opportunity to discuss possible actions for each scenario and then they recorded what they would do in each situation. Maybe you’d like ask your child what they would do for each scenario. Thankfully, […]

Safer Internet Day in Nursery

This afternoon the children in Nursery have been thinking about who can keep them safe when they use the computers. We have also learnt how to close down a window if we press on the wrong thing by accident.

Year 4 Bananagrams

This afternoon the Year 4 children competed in a class Bananagrams tournament. The winners will be moving on to compete in the semi-finals. Well done to all of the children who took part.

Safer Internet Day in Y4

This afternoon the Year 4  children completed an activity focused on asking and giving permission. We discussed how this links to going online- asking parents before we play games online, asking to use different devices, giving out personal information.

Safer Internet Day in Y2

Year 2 had a very sensible discussion linked to Safer Internet Day! We discussed personal information and acted out scenarios where we think it is okay to share information and when it is not okay. We know to never give names and addresses or use real photographs. We also discussed that we should always let […]

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day 2019 is being celebrated globally today with the slogan:  ‘Together for a better internet’. Have a look at the tips for children on how to stay safe and positive online. Our internet, our choice, so… Choose to be aware Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the […]

Mystery Reader in Nursery

A huge thank you to Mrs Schonau who came into Nursery last week to be our mystery reader. The children loved listening to the story ‘Nobot the Robot with no bottom!’ and found it quite amusing!      

Chinese New Year Celebrations in Nursery

The children have had a fun filled day today learning about the Chinese New Year, the children have made their own chinese lanterns, drawn pictures of the animals from in the story, taken part in the dragon dance and even had a little Chinese New Year party, tasting a selection of chinese foods!

Year One’s Super Senses!

Year One have been learning about their super senses this afternoon! They completed five investigations into what they could see, hear, touch, taste and smell and realised that things are much easier when they are allowed to use all of their senses together. They seemed to enjoy the taste and smell tests the best – […]

Chinese New Year

Today we learned all about Chinese New Year in assembly and how this year is the year of the Pig. At the end of the assembly, our Year 6 RE ambassadors gave a rousing performance of the Dragon dance.