Book Bench Update

The children have been helping to decorate the book bench today using their handprints. The children are very excited that their prints will be on show when the bench eventually goes on tour in April.  

Year One Investigate Faeces!

Year One have had a disgustingly challenging afternoon! After learning about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores they received a mystery package from Peak Wildlife Park asking them to identify an animal that has been breaking in… using its poo as a clue! They were amazing scientists fishing out bits of bone, skin, teeth, apple, carrots and […]

Little Red Hen

Reception  have been learning about the Little Red Hen story. We decided that we wanted to make our own bread. Here we are mixing up the dough. We are sorry that we are so messy but we have had such good fun.  

Hillside Science Ambassadors

Hillside’s Science Ambassadors have been out this lunchtime on the KS1 playground, where they have been demonstrating their density tower. It generated lots of questions and ‘wonders’ from the children as they watched different objects floating at different points within the tower. They can’t wait for the next visit from our Science Ambassadors!  

Mystery Reader in Reception

On Friday, Reception have been lucky enough to have another secret reader. Brooke’s dad came and shared ‘Can’t you Sleep Little Bear?’, The girl who lost her name and for the last story he read in the voice of Gru from Despicable Me. It was amazing!    

Book Bench Update

The book bench has had its first base coat of white paint today. Over the next week, Mrs Green, Miss Pinnington, Mr Frost and the children are hoping to complete the painting of the back and the sides of the bench. We will be using lots of the children’s handprints to cover the back to […]

Chinese New Year

To end a lovely week celebrating Chinese New Year, Reception performed the Dragon Dance. They were amazing and learned the technique of moving together quickly. They also did a lovely ribbon dance with lots of exciting movements.

Oliver’s Vegetable Soup

Yesterday the children had a very exciting delivery from Oliver and his Gran, it was a bag of vegetables with a recipe to make some soup. Throughout the morning we chopped the vegetables, boiled the soup and smelt it cooking! After lunch we all had a taste of the soup – delicious!!