Fairness in Year Two

In year Two, we have been learning about fairness. We acted out scenarios, talking about the behaviour seen and how we could make it fairer.

Electrical Dance in Year Five

Within our P.E. lessons this half term, we have been focusing upon dance. This has been linked to the theme of sustainability. So far, we have thought carefully about implementing cannons effectively alongside examples of motifs. The children have been using their collaboration skills through working well within a team to share their ideas.  

Nursery: Our Family 

This week Nursery have continued their learning about themselves and have been talking about their families. The children have been talking about who lives in their house and creating pictures showing their family members. Well done Nursery, it has been lovely to find out some more about you!

Year Three Online Safety

Year Three explored how to search for information about others online as part of our online safety unit. Some interesting fact found about Tim Peake, Sir Tom Moore and Kate Middleton.

Year One’s Maths in the Woods!

Year One have visited the woods to help with their ordering and counting in Maths. They played hide and seek with numbers and thought of some very clever hiding places (even losing a caterpillars head 🐛 somewhere up there!) Once they found the different numbers they had to sequence them together and practise their counting […]

Nursery’s Self Portraits

This week we have been busy learning about ourselves, we have started the topic by looking at ourselves in the mirror identifying our features and painting our self. We have all done a great job and thought carefully about what colours we needed for the different features!

Year Three nutritionists

In Science this week, we focused on vocabulary and learnt the nutrients that living things need to grow, be strong and be healthy. From there, we also learnt where we can find these key parts and their roles.

Year Four musicians

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their music lesson with Mr Hall this week, learning to play the ukelele. We saw super teamwork as the children were sharing their skills to support each other to succeed!