100% Attendance – Spring Term

Well done to the winner of the attendance prize. His name was drawn out of the 122 names this morning. We hope the family enjoying spending the vouchers.

Attendance Assembly – Spring Term ’19

Well done to the 122 pupils who were congratulated in our special assembly this morning for 100% Attendance last term.  This equated to 50% of our pupils which is amazing! In fact, we think this is a record!

Computing Club

The children in the computing club are enjoying creating their own games using Purple Mash.

Amazing Hillside Readers

As a staff, we would like to congratulate our wonderful children. We are all extremely proud of the reading ethos we have in school and there is a great excitement in school over reading and recommending books to each other. This has again been reflected in our Reading Rocket numbers. The total number of children […]

Year 4 Multi-Faith Trail

What an enlightening day Year 4 had today on their Multi- Faith Trail. The children visited a Jewish Synagogue, City Centre Mosque and the Kingdom Hall in Fenton, in order to develop their knowledge of different religions. They had talks from the leaders in each of these places and were allowed to explore the special […]

Inspirational Athlete Visit

The children enjoyed a dinner time fitness session with Ellie after their growth mindset, fitness activities this morning.  

Growth Mindset Assembly

Hillside have been kick started back into the new term with a visit from inspirational world champion, Great British kickboxer, Ellie Harbinson. Each class will be taking part in a fitness and growth mindset workshop throughout the day and will be doing activities during lunch time.

Reading Rocket

Our first Reading Rocket for the summer term begins today, Monday 29th April and will run for the next four weeks, ending on Sunday 26th May. We hope the children will be encouraged to read five times per week and develop the habit of reading widely and often. We would like to take this opportunity to thank […]

Farewell to Mrs Rhodes!

Mrs Rhodes said an emotional goodbye to the Reception class on Friday. There were lots of tears but also lots of smiles and cuddles. We held a little party whilst she opened her presents and wished her all the best for the future!    

Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations for completing the Better Reading Partnership! He has spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improved reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and have worked hard with his parents at home. Well done for making great progress!