Year 4 Tri Golf Competition

Year 4 children have enjoyed taking part in a tri golf competition, competing against schools across the city. They took part in a range of challenges focused on different aspects of golf. We look forward to finding out the results later this week.

Headteacher Awards – Friday 10th May 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.

Final farewell from Shugborough

Our very tired Year 3s are on their way home . They’ve had a lovely afternoon fire lighting, toasting marshmallows and taking part in woodland crafts.    

Good Morning!

Our Year 3 pupils have woke up bright and early this morning! All have slept and they are looking forward to a fun day of activities.  

Bedtime at Shugborough

The children have enjoyed drumming, a campfire and hot chocolate! They are all very tired and ready for bed.  

Y3 Shugborough – An afternoon of activities!

The Year 3 children have loved their afternoon! They’ve been creating tribal headwear, building dens, creating flags and of course, their favourite part, eating! We’ve had our dinner and waiting for our drumming workshop to start.

We’ve arrived!

Our Year 3s have arrived at Shugborough! They’re settling into their yurts ready for the first activity. Everybody is very excited!

Y5 visit to Westport Lake

Year 5 enjoyed their visit to Westport Lake yesterday. During the morning, we identified trees using an identification chart then used our maths skills to measure them, when finding out their age. After lunch, we worked in teams using natural resources to produce some fantastic artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.