Y6 Stanley Head Residential

Y6 have arrived safe and sound at Stanley Head and are in high spirits. Bags have been unpacked and beds made. Children are getting ready for the first activity of the day: team building or rifle shooting.

Potters ‘arf Water Station

Thank you to the children who volunteered their time to support Mrs Green at the Baddeley Green Water Station yesterday. They were absolutely brilliant helpers, who ensured water was readily available and they gave lots of encouragement too. Fantastic ambassadors for Hillside. Well done! Well done also to staff, parents and families who ran or walked […]

Year 3 QR code maths

Year 3 took part in some exciting maths on Friday! They searched around the room for vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines and took photos on the iPads. They then looked through some existing photos, identified the lines and used QR codes to check their answers.  

Minibeast Hotels

Reception have been up to the woods this morning to fill and hide our minibeast hotels before the wet weather comes. Next week we will hopefully return to find lots of creepy crawly guests!

Good Work Awards – Friday 7th June 2019

A big well done to the children who were commended for their good work this week. These children were chosen because of their amazing attitude towards their work and are a credit to the school.

Headteacher Awards – Friday 7th June 2019

Congratulations to the children who received  a Headteachers award this week. These children displayed a range of our school values and should be very proud of themselves. We’ll done!

Festival in a factory 2019

Today, it was the turn of these Y3 children to visit the Emma Bridgewater factory.  They enjoyed a personal tour around the factory, seeing the whole process from clay to beautifully presented pottery pieces. Next, they took part in a poetry workshop led by Matt Windle: the poet with a punch. He was super cool, and wowed us […]

Festival in a factory 2019

These Y5 children attended an exciting event at Emma Bridgewater this morning.  They got to listen to an interesting and inspirational talk by the multi-award-winning, bestselling writer and illustrator: Lauren Child. She is the current children’s laureate and spoke about her many characters, settings, her inspirations for writing and her latest book ‘Hubert Horatio: How […]

Y5 Book Club

Year 5 had a great start to their book club on Wednesday. The children are reading the Skellig by David Almond and are completely hooked after the first three chapters. The children made use of the bus that was recently delivered and enjoyed having their discussions in a different learning environment.