Nursery have arrived at Runway Visitor Park!

It’s a little bit drizzly but that’s not going to stop nursery having fun! The children are super excited and are enjoying seeing all of the planes take off, we look forward to having a look inside one later!

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 4

Year 6 have had a good nights sleep and a big breakfast in preparation for a busy day of activities. They are enjoying canoeing and crate stacking today. The Stanley Head instructors and Hillside staff are so proud of the children. They are all so positive and upbeat and have embraced all the challenges they […]

Y3 visit to Gladstone

Our year 3 class spent the day at Gladstone Pottery Museum yesterday! They were given a tour of the working museum and painted plates in a Clarice Cliff style.  

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 3

All children have enjoyed a good night’s sleep last night – especially the campers who are thankful for their upgrade to the house – and have eaten their breakfasts. All are now dressed ready for high ropes and archery. Here are the children in the pre-brief.

Northwood Athletics

A big well done to our budding athletes from Years 4 and 5.  The children displayed a range of our school values and were a credit to Hillside, as they competed in extremely adverse weather conditions.  We had some winners who will now be going on to represent Hanley Town in the City finals. Congratulations!

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 2

The children have been caving this morning. Due to the weather, bouldering has been changed to Friday and instead, children are going into the climbing barn this afternoon. The weather may have dampened the fields but not the mood. Here are most of the class getting kitted up for climbing this afternoon.

Y6 Stanley Head Bedtime – Day 1

After cookies, sweets and hot-chocolate, the children are all showered and in their pyjamas ready for their first night at Stanley Head.    

Y6 Stanley Head – Day 1

Here’s an action shot of some of the children doing team building activities. They’ve already matched a Stanley Head record for passing a cone to another team over a distance of 13 feet, without touching the floor! Super accomplishment and the children are loving their first day.