French Day at Hillside

French day at Hillside has been Fantastique! The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities including making Crêpes and French show and tell. The items brought in for show and tell have been interesting and it has been lovely seeing the children so engaged in their French learning. Why not ask you children […]

The New Year One’s Brilliant Brains!

Year One have enjoyed learning about their brilliant brains! They found out that their brain has three special parts and they have to keep the tiny reptilian brain happy in order for it to work well. They also learned about the right and left side and know that they need to use both sides and […]

Online Safety Performance

Y5 and Y6 have been visited by actors from the Regent Theatre, who have performed an alternative, dramatic version of Little Red Riding Hood with an underlying message about online safety. Following the performance, children took part in a workshop about online safety.  

Better Readers – 12th July 2019

A big well done to our Better Readers who received their certificates this morning. They have been working hard and are more confident with their reading and really enjoyed it.      

Headteacher Awards – Friday 12th July 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.

Space 2019 will blast off on 22 July!

The summer Space programme provides free, fun activities for 8 to 17 year-olds to help build confidence, develop life skills and improve health and general wellbeing. Activities are added daily so keep checking  to see what is happening where you live.  

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you so much to Maisie’s mummy who came in to school today to share Maisie’s favourite moose story on her birthday! We loved listening to you read and sharing the pictures – thank you!  

New to Year One

Our new Year One had a great day yesterday! They met Mr Miyagi the huge, white fish and familiarised themselves with the classroom as well as showing their new teachers how amazing they are at writing! After school today there is a meet the teacher and ‘New to Year One’ session in Year One, straight […]