Independent Learning

In Year 6, we are encouraging the children to use more independent strategies in their learning. The children have been practising using formal methods to calculate division questions. In lessons they have been using QR codes to check their answers. They enjoy being mini teachers and either tick or spend time correcting their answer if […]

Y4 visit to Chester

Year 4 arrived safely in Chester and are currently undergoing their training to be Roman Soldiers!  

Mental Health Assembly

This week is mental health awareness week and Mrs Rushton led an assembly about how to look after ourselves! We had a brilliant time boogeying to Justin Timberlake and talking about how we can keep ourselves happy, healthy and safe. We also thought about how being kind can help each other to be happy, healthy […]

The Last Wolf in Year One

We used our ‘freeze frame’ drama skills to act out the story of ‘The Last Wolf’ as part of our English learning! We have loved sequencing and retelling the story about Red, a little girl who meets the last wolf, lynx and bear on her adventure in to the forest. We shared props, considered how […]

Story and Rhyme Club

We’ve been on a Bear Hunt! We listened to the story by Michael Rosen and joined in with the parts that we learned brilliantly. Then we made our story map with the long, wavy grass, snow and river and even found a bear at the end! See if we can tell you the story using […]

Dougie Mac Day in Reception

The children had a fantastic time on Dougie Mac day. They designed their own paper aeroplanes and then tested them out in the hall at the end of the day.  

Mystery Reader in Reception

A big thank you to our Mystery Reader, Jocelyn’s mum who came in to read ‘Homer the Library Cat’ and a book by our Author of the Term -Julia Donaldson  called ‘Night Monkey, Day Monkey’. The children sat beautifully and really enjoyed the stories.  

Year 4 Mystery Reader

Year 4 enjoyed a surprise visit from their first mystery reader – Ezmai’s nan. They thoroughly enjoyed listening to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams and can’t wait for their next surprise visitor. If anyone else would like to be a mystery reader, please speak to Miss McCann or send in a note to arrange a […]

Atlas work in Year 3

This afternoon in Geography, the children are using atlases to locate the oceans and continents of the world. They are also looking at the Equator and the countries that are on the Equator.  

Nursery Forest School

Nursery have been up to the woods today for their first forest school session! We explored the forest before listening to a story and drinking our milk in the storytelling area! The children all behaved beautifully and had great fun. Well done Nursery!