Reception’s Mystery Reader

Noah had an amazing surprise when Grandpa drove all the way down from Yorkshire to be our Mystery Reader. Noah’s Grandpa read ‘Jack Frost’ by Kazuno Kohara, which the children all loved. Noah particulary enjoyed helping his Grandpa to read the story.

Farewell Mrs Longmore!

We have said our farewells to Mrs Longmore in assembly this morning. She was overwhelmed and thankful for the cards from each class and the gifts from the school. We will miss you!  

Science in Year One

We have started finding out more about trees and plants as part of our science learning. Our new vocabulary included the ‘crown’ of the tree, ‘evergreen’ and ‘deciduous’! We went in to the woods and searched for trees finding oak, birch and prickly holly! Fantastic ideas and chattering about trees! 🌳  

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Mr Martin who came to read to us! We loved hearing both stories that you brought with you – one about a crocodile who was really a dragon and one about a little monkey who tricked a clever tiger! We loved looking at the pictures and predicting what would happen! 📚  

Reception Pet Visit

Today we had a very exciting visitor, a giant African Snail! Evie brought her pet in to show the class and they were amazed at how big it was. Tigger, the snail is 5 years old and likes to eat raspberries and avocados. The children asked some fantastic questions and discovered lots of new and […]

Reception Forest School

Reception have been busy in the woods today creating a masterpiece! As part of our Pets theme this week we decided to make a cat out of woodland materials. We think it looks fab!  

A Fond Farewell

We will be saying farewell to Mrs Longmore on Friday after over 25 years of service for City Catering at Hillside. We will miss the delicious meals that she produces on a daily basis and hope that she stays in touch.  

City Catering’s Golden Ticket!

Congratulations to Lucy for finding the golden ticket under her plate at lunchtime today. This is one of many initiatives by City Catering to encourage children to choose our delicious, nutritious school meals. We hope that Lucy enjoys reading and sharing her book prize with her family.