Year Six Science in the Woods

Year Six have applied their learning about molluscs, annelids, arachnids and insects by going on the hunt for some of them in the woods. Children took photos of the creatures using iPads. We will sort the pictures into their specific species’ group in class during another lesson.  

Year 4 Mosaics

Year 4 have been learning about Roman mosaics and how the pictures and patterns are created using tesserae. They have created their own Roman mosaic designs using squared paper in preparation for their printing and tile work later in the topic.  

Story and Rhyme Club

We made our own crazy spiders after listening to two stories about spiders! One story was about Skinny who loved to hide from mum and one was about Spinderella who learned how to count. We loved looking at the pictures today and spotting Skinny and his hiding places as well as counting to 20 with […]

RE Day

As part of our work on RE Day, the whole school have been learning about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and the Christian festival of Harvest. All classes have spent time reflecting on festivals and how people celebrate, the links between beliefs and how important is to us all! 📖  

Year One and Two Multi Skills Festival

Thank you to Mr Edwards and the coaches from Excel who came in to school for the multi skills festival with Key Stage One today and our sports leaders who lent a hand. We loved getting active, practising team games and skills and even managed to follow silent instructions! Well done everyone! 🎾

Reception Mystery Reader

Today Mason, in Reception had a lovely surprise, his mum came in to be our Mystery Reader. She brought in the story ‘Dinostars and the planet plundering pirates.’ The children loved this story and thought that Mason’s mum told it beautifully .  

Y5 Mystery Reader

Year 5 have enjoyed listening to our mystery reader on Thursday afternoon, Mrs Nelson. Year 5 listened to a selection of stories including ‘The Wonky Donkey’ and a chapter from ‘Who let the Gods out’. Thank you for visiting us.  

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Mr Hall for coming in to read to us today! We loved listening to Sinclair the Bear’s adventures and how he could change his body to save the day! 🐻 We sat and listened really well and loved sharing our favourite parts of the story – thank you 😊