Harvest and pizza making in Year Four

Following a super successful Harvest assembly, learning about the travel miles of a pizza, Year Four thought it only right to make their own pizzas, and what a success they were! Yum!  

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

We have a range of items produced by The Royal British Legion which supports their Poppy Appeal. We are inviting pupils to bring in money to purchase these items (see pictures for suggested donations) which will be sold by volunteers from Year Six during break-times. This has begun and will carry into the week after half […]

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Mr Coates who came in and shared two stories with us! We loved the Halloween themed ‘Funny Bones’ and laughed at the dog saying FOOW instead of WOOF when he’d been put back together wrong! We also loved hearing one of our Author of the Term stories too about Winnie the Witch! […]

Year Three Mystery Reader

Thank you to Emmett’s mum for coming in to read ‘Amelia Bedelia’. The children enjoyed listening to the story and finding out about the books she read when she was in school.  

Year Four Mystery Reader

Year Four enjoyed listening to a range of books this afternoon, read by Oliver’s mum. Thank you again to our mystery readers. Our children do look forward to hearing stories read by different readers.

Year Two French Club

The Year Two French club have enjoyed tasting croissants and pain au chocolats during their final session. Miss Nelson has been very impressed with the language they have picked up and their enthusiasm each week.

Hedgehogs visit Reception

Reception and Nursery had some very special visitors. Betsy and Jeanie, Two baby hedgehogs from the Baddeley Green Rescue Centre. The children sat beautifully and learnt a lot about what we need to do to protect the hedgehogs. They also discovered lots of interesting facts and what to do if they find a hedgehog out […]

National Online Safety

The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers and how to act safely when using the internet. We are therefore delighted to announce that Hillside Primary School have shown our commitment […]

French in Year Three

During their French lessons, the Year Three children have been learning to greet each other, ask and answer questions about how they are feeling, their age and their names. They have also learnt how to count to 10. Fantastique!