Year Three Showcase

Thank you to all of the adults who came in for the Year Three showcase. We hope you have learnt lots about South America and enjoyed having a go at writing your own Limerick. You all did a fantastic job during the quiz. Well done to the winning team ‘The Three Musketeers’.  

Reception Role Play

The Hillside Post Office is now open for business in the Reception classroom. The children have been learning to write letters, wrap packages for posting, weighing a variety of parcels and even completing their car tax forms. We are expecting lots of creative language and acting over the next few weeks.

Story and Rhyme Club

As part of our learning about Remembrance Day, we looked at the origins of the poppy through hearing stories about a soldier and found out why we wear poppies today. We then made our own poppies that can be hung in a sunny window and remind us of those who still fight for us today! […]

Remembrance Service

Mr Such has kindly delivered a Remembrance Service this morning to remember those who have been hurt or died in wars past and present. It was a lovely ceremony in which poems and prayers were observed, children also took part in a minute silence.

Mental Health workshop for Year Six

Year Six have been visited by a representative of ‘Mind’, a charity who help to support children’s understanding of mental health and wellbeing. Children took part in a variety of activities to develop awareness of this important issue and to help them understand how to deal with different emotions.  


We made our annual trip to Carmountside this morning alongside Milton, Greenways and Carmountside Primary to lay our wreath and remember. The children read aloud lovely poems which they had written. They were very respectful and great ambassadors for Hillside Primary School. Well done.  

Reading Rocket

Well done to our two winners of the Reading Rocket: Olivia (KS2) and Finley (KS1). As you can see from their smiles, they are delighted with their Flipout vouchers. Well done to all of the 81 children who read five times per week. We are incredibly proud of your achievement and hope that even more […]

Nursery Forest School

Nursery have spent the morning in the woods making sparklers! We hunted for sticks to make our own sparklers and then made yummy chocolate ones! What a lovely morning.