A special visitor in Year Two

We were lucky enough to have Isaac’s dad come in to talk to us about his experiences in Africa. He put together a brilliant presentation about his travels including some exciting souvenirs for us all to look at. A huge thank you!

Panto Visit

Hillside have arrived at the Panto – oh yes they have! Everyone is seated and enjoying ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. There are snacks and drinks for later and we’re excited to see what happens as the story unfolds!  

Year One’s Showcase

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our showcase today – we loved sharing our learning time with you! The singing and dancing was amazing, the cup and ball competitions were frantic and we loved finding out about your favourite toys from long (and not so long) ago! Thank you and we hope […]

Snowflake’s Adventures!

There has been a sticky situation in Year Six this week when Snowflake mischievously taped all of the drawers shut! Reception’s tree has been toilet paper decorated and now she’s gone for a dip in Year One with Mr Miyagi the fish! We wonder where she’ll be spotted next… ❄️  

Additional Concert Ticket Requests

If you would like any additional tickets, please send a note into school stating which performance is required and how many (maximum 2 tickets per family per performance). Please also state your child’s name and class. The deadline for requests is Thursday 5th December at 12pm. If your request is successful we will add the […]

Nursery fun at Amerton

After lunch they all had a trip on the Christmas train!  They spotted lots of different things on their train journey and had lots of fun.  

Reception’s trip to The Ice Cream Factory

What a fun packed day Reception have had at the Cheshire Ice-cream Farm. We began our adventure in Honeycomb Canyon before exploring the Fun Factory. After lunch we had lots of fun in Daisy’s Garden and rode  the quad bikes at the Silvercone. We then visited Fudge Farm before selecting our own yummy ice-creams and […]

Year Five trip to the National Space Centre

Yesterday, Year Five went on their trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester. Despite the very long coach journey, we had an excellent day! In the morning, we all completed a workshop which saw us investigate how rovers are programmed to work on Mars. Not only were we applying our science learning, we were […]