Virtual Easter Break Trips

As we will be stuck indoors for the forthcoming Easter holidays and not able to get out and about on holidays and on day trips we thought that we’d invite you along with us on virtual tours and trips. The following document details over 60 days out for you to explore and enjoy from the […]

High Five from Mr Hall

Hey there everybody, I hope you’re all having fun learning at home with your new parent teachers. I’ve put together a music page for you to access great musical games and interactive music learning. All of the links should work on tablets, mobile devices and computers. If you are looking to have some fun and […]

Useful links… First News is a weekly newspaper aimed at 7 to 14-year-olds that aims to get kids talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way. We are creating free access to our products for a limited period, to help parents, children and schools during any isolation or school closures. We cover […]

End of Term Message

We hope you have found our learning support helpful over the past 2 weeks and that you have been able to support your child with some learning. We know, from our own experience, that this isn’t easy from home, particularly for those who are continuing to work either from home or indeed the workplace, and […]

Hand Wash Challenge

Medicspot is calling all primary school children to share their creative ideas to help encourage frequent hand washing – the best way to keep yourself and others safe from coronavirus. Find out how you can enter and win £500 for Hillside Primary School here:

Good morning to everyone at Hillside

As you know, its our tradition to have a celebration assembly every Friday morning. We all love these assemblies as they are a time when we all come together (children, staff and parents) to acknowledge, share and congratulate children in their achievements. We thought it may be nice for you to re-enact an assembly this […]

Purple Mash 2Dos

Thank you to all of the adults supporting their children to access Purple Mash. You will have noticed that the children have been set 2Dos by their class teachers. These can be found on the home screen by clicking on ‘2Dos’ or ‘Alerts’.   There are 2 types of 2dos. Some 2dos are submitted through […]

The Great Bug Hunt 2020

Follow this link for details of the Great Big Bug Hunt Competition:

A Message from Mrs Wainwright

Hello all, Hope you are well and managing to stay busy during this uncertain time. I’m missing you all so much. I miss our conversations, the laughter and your smiling faces the most. The last two weeks have been a whirlwind and I’m still trying to adjust to the quiet corridors in school, remembering to […]