Our School Values

At Hillside, two of our very important school values are respect and equality! In response to recent events happening across the country and worldwide, we thought it was important to create an avenue to explore and discuss these issues with our children and help to answer any questions they might have. Please have a look […]

Science Enquiry 7

Well it would have been Hillside’s Science Week this week. Year 6 would have been visiting Keele University, Year 4 and 5 would have been off to Staffordshire University for the Big Bang Science Fair and there would have been LOTS of science activities going on in school for everybody! Unfortunately, it’s not happening…😢. However, […]

Girls Take an Early Lead in the Gender Rock Off!

Wow! What a fantastic start we have had to our gender ‘Rock Off!’ Yesterday, the boys took an early lead; however, the scores this morning show a very different picture! The girls are way ahead with 7,630 points. Boy rockers you’ve got some serious catching up to do. Get onto the garage today and rock […]

A Celebration of Home Learning at Hillside

We are overwhelmed with the fantastic home learning that is taking place both at home and in school. We wanted to share with you the hard work that is taking place and hopefully encourage even more parents to share their children’s work. The teachers and staff have loved reading your emails and Miss Nelson is […]

Reading on Purple Mash

This week, we invited children from Year 1– Year 6 to complete their reading online using Purple Mash. We are so impressed with the amount of children accessing this amazing resource. The leader board below shows the class that has had the most children complete their reading online: Year 1 Year 4 Year 5 Year […]

Reading at Hillside

A big thank you to all the children and parents that have already dropped reading books, library books and reading for pleasure books off at school. There are still some to be returned and we kindly ask that they are dropped off by the end of next week. The book box is still situated outside […]

Great Science Share

The Great Science Share is being held on Tuesday 16th June. This is an opportunity to share, showcase and see all the exciting science that children are involved with. As part of the Science Across the City project, Stoke schools are compiling their own video as a collaboration of science across our area, both science […]

TT Rockstars Gender Battle

Hello Rockers! Kenzi Rockett (Mrs Wainwright) here again. Who fancies another Rock Off? The last battle was pretty epic but I want this one to be bigger and better. The next battle will see the girls go head to head against the boys. Who will be crowned the ultimate rockers? Children from Year 2 to […]

Home Learning Emails

Thank you to those parents who have already shared their child’s achievements and learning through our new home learning email. The photos and emails have really made the staff smile. We would love to receive more and wanted to remind you of our home learning email: homelearning@hillsideprimary.org.uk We look forward to hearing from you and […]

Science Enquiry 6

Hello to my budding scientists! Hopefully, you are enjoying our weekly science challenge, which will be helping you to develop your working scientifically skills too. Here’s the next science enquiry challenge… Which material will make the strongest boat? I wonder which materials you are going to use to make your boats? As it’s developing your […]