Thank you to all parents and carers for your support with Children In Need today. The children all look fab in their own clothes and are taking parts in lots of fun activities raising awareness of a worthwhile cause! Thank you for any online donations you have made – if you still wish to donate, […]
Category Archives: Latest News
Children In Need in Year One
The children in Year One are having a fab day raising awareness and money for Children in Need! We began the day by talking about their amazing pledges – well done to the cake cookers, cake eaters, book readers, star jumpers, runners and hoppers who have all completed five or six of their chosen activity! […]
Children in Need in Reception
Reception have had lots of fun for Children in Need today. We have made Pudsey biscuits, masks, play dough, colourings and paintings. Daisy also shared her Pudsey pledge with us, she completed 5 cartwheels for children in Need! She was fantastic and we are all so proud of her.
Creative Science in Year Three
This week in Science, Year Three have been learning about the parts and functions of flowering plants. The children have been very creative and have made their own models to show all of the flower’s parts.
Blue Peter on YouTube
Blue Peter are uploading videos to YouTube. There are world record breaking challenges, arts and crafts, environmental videos, cooking and baking how tos, inspirational films, gaming, celebrity appearances, dance routines and music performances. They also feature ways of getting a Blue Peter badge, behind the scenes footage and extra content about presenters Adam, Lindsey, Mwaksy, […]
Year One’s Wedding
Year One have been learning about how people belong as part of their RE lessons. Today they took part in a Jewish wedding! They handled Jewish artefacts, the wedding took place under a Chuppa and they decorated and wrote promises on the Ketubah, their wedding certificate. Everyone particularly enjoyed dancing to the Jewish wedding music […]
Remembrance Day in Nursery
Today the children have been learning about Remembrance Day, while we were in the woods we thought about how the soldiers had to hide to keep themselves safe. We looked for good hiding places and had a game of hide and seek. We then built a shelter for the soldiers and practiced carrying sticks/ branches […]
Year Four Times Tables Rock Stars
Year Four are rocking their times tables today! We have been speedily answering as many questions as possible to gain our place on the leaderboard of the Top of the Rocks Year Four competition, in which many Stoke schools are participating in this week. Currently we are 7th, hoping to gain a higher position by […]
Remembrance Day
We feel very honoured that the beautiful, thoughtful display that the children of Hillside helped to create at Milton Church inspired a member of our community to write the following poem: REMEMBRANCE The globe, that is Earth, spins on its axis Wars, raids, attacks come and go. Today’s allies are yesterday’s enemies, Remembrance cloaks our […]
Year Six DT
Year Six have been tasked with creating a food stall for Jim, a Victorian child from the story they are reading in English – Street Child. They have designed their market stall, created a prototype and are now creating the real thing. Children are using junior hacksaws to cut wood, and child-friendly glue guns to […]