Year One have been in to the woods today to identity and classify trees and leaves. They spotted signs of seasonal change, collecting leaves from all over the woods and sorted them using hoops and their own titles. They used titles like evergreen, deciduous, curved and spanner orange! Great ideas everyone!
Category Archives: Geography
Year 2 at Knowsley Safari Park
Year 2 have had a fabulous (but cold!) day at Knowsley Safari Park. The children saw some of the larger animals on the safari tour and met some of the smaller animals up close and personal! Everybody has had a lovely day and gained lots of great facts about habitats and Africa.
Year Three Showcase
Thank you to all of the adults who came in for the Year Three showcase. We hope you have learnt lots about South America and enjoyed having a go at writing your own Limerick. You all did a fantastic job during the quiz. Well done to the winning team ‘The Three Musketeers’.
Year One and Two at the Cinema
Year One and Two have arrived at the cinema and are very excited about the screening of ‘Luis and the Aliens’ which is about to start! They all have snacks and drinks and are comfy in their seats This will help them to explore their feelings when they meet people who are different to […]
Year One’s Seasonal Poetry
Year One have been learning and reciting their own poetry! They have created rhyming verses about the different seasons and then performed as a class verses about Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. They were confident performers and their science and geography learning shone through! Well done!
Atlas work in Year 3
This afternoon in Geography, the children are using atlases to locate the oceans and continents of the world. They are also looking at the Equator and the countries that are on the Equator.
Nursery Forest School
Nursery have been up to the woods today for their first forest school session! We explored the forest before listening to a story and drinking our milk in the storytelling area! The children all behaved beautifully and had great fun. Well done Nursery!
Thank you to everybody who brought in a postcard from their travels during the summer holidays. All the postcards have been put up to create an interesting geography display for the children to explore.
Year One’s map skills
Year One have been following up their local walk learning in geography by drawing routes and labelling maps! They had to work as teams to sort ordnance survey symbols (and some were extremely tricky!) before working on their own maps, adding photographs from the visit and naming all of the places that they saw. Well […]
Around the World in Year 2
As part of our geography work, our year 2 children have been learning about the 7 continents of the world. They watched a video about each one, questioning what they could see, and used them to guess which continent it was. They then created super maps with everything labelled accurately.