Year One’s Transport Poems

Year One have been studying poetry this week, all about transport and travel in their local area! 🚗 They talked about the different forms of transport they might see, labelled transport and its parts and then practised familiar poems with different words.🚂 Once they knew the different versions of the poems they added actions and […]

Computing in Reception

To complete our computing learning,  we have been learning how to programme the Beebots  to follow a path around a range of different maps. The children loved predicting where the Bee-Bot would finish once they had programmed it.

Nursery’s trip to France 🇫🇷 

This week we have pretended we have been on holiday to France. We have been writing postcards to say what we have been doing on holiday, creating French flags, building our own Eiffel Tower models and enjoying a visit to the French market! Tres bien Nursery!

Minibeast hotels in Reception

This week Reception have designed minibeast hotels for their minibeast friends. We considered the range of materials available and then the children selected what they would like to use. They recorded the designs onto a minibeast hotel. The children brought in recyclable boxes which they then filled with their selected materials. Next week we’ll see […]

Animated Books in Year One

As part of their learning in Computing, the children have created their own animated books! 📚 They wrote stories relating to their Geography learning about Antarctica or penguins 🐧 or linked to their Maths work on time, thinking about what they did before, during or after school. They used backgrounds, created images, added and changed […]

Our super new Year Twos

We have been so impressed with our new Year Twos. Whether it was the plant maths, the David Hockney art or the mysterious creature writing, they have thrown themselves into all the activities this week and shown they are more than ready to begin their journeys in year two. We are so excited to get […]

Transition week for Nursery

Nursery have had a fantastic week in Reception. They have made lots of new friends and tried lots of new activities. They have wowed Mrs Ashton and Mrs Dixon with their phonic knowledge, sang lots of amazing counting rhymes and showed the numbers on their fingers, produced some beautiful artwork and tried mindfulness colouring which […]

Reading Café in Year Five

Year Five have enjoyed a reading café this week where they have investigated an unseen book. They carefully read the first page and considered the genre and if it was a book they would usually enjoy. Once they did this they unwrapped the book further to find more details.  

Writing in Year Two

This week, we have been reflecting on our year in Year Two. We worked in our Kagan groups to think of as many exciting things that happened this year as possible. We then came up with a ‘fancy pants’ list of all the things we have learnt how to do, such as commas in a […]

Science Week in Reception

This week, we have been conducting a scientific enquiry to find out what would happen when we put a paper towel into two different colours of water. We had blue and yellow, red and blue and red and yellow. The children came up with lots of fantastic ideas, which were recorded on post-it’s. We observed […]