This week we read a beautiful story about Remembrance Day that helped us to understand why we have this special day. We learned about why we wear poppies and who it is to remember. We made our own Remembrance cards, artwork, and play dough poppies amongst lots of other exciting activities.
Category Archives: English
Bonfire Night in Nursery
This week we have been learning about bonfire night and fireworks, we have found out a little bit about Guy Fawkes and that he was not a very nice man and learned a bit of the poem ‘Remember, Remember ‘. We have been using our phonics to listen to the different sounds we might hear […]
Reception: The Gunpowder Plot
This week, Reception have been learning about the history of Bonfire Night. They were fascinated to hear how Guy Fawkes plotted to kill King James over 400 years ago. But was eventually foiled and executed! The children loved acting out the story and could remember lots of the facts of the story. We also discussed […]
Year Six English
Year Six are looking at the story of Street a child in English. Following our reading of chapter two, children acted out some freeze-frames to annotate in their books. These are the stills captured. What do you think might have been happening in this chapter?
Kate Leake Illustrator Visit
This week’s visit from illustrator and author, Kate Leake, was truly inspirational. The children have learned so much about her life, the books she has illustrated and how to become an illustrator themselves. The children also took part in many other reading related activities such as book tasting, author of the term research, book reviews, […]
Phonics fun in Nursery
This week the children in Nursery have been using their ears to listen to the sounds of different instruments. We listened to a tambourine, cymbals and a maraca and decided to move to the instruments . We then played Ted’s Footsteps, listening to the instruments and moving the correct way to get to Miss Hewitt […]
Word classes in Year Three
The children became detectives to spot different word classes within The Great Kapok Tree. Next, they will we looking at how they can improve word choices using a thesaurus.
Year Six’s personification up the woods.
Children have been studying personification and figurative language in English. To supplement this, we have looked for inspiration up the woods to help us write our own examples.
Drama in Year Four
The children explored our English text through drama this week, before using their images to write about the events in the story and also the main characters emotions as different points.
Reception: Jesus blesses the children
This week we have been learning about Jesus, who is a special person to Christians. We listened to the story of Jesus blessing the children and learned how originally the disciples didn’t believe children to be important enough to meet Jesus. However, Jesus told them that all children were special and he wanted to bless […]