Year One have been expanding their computing skills by creating animated books. They used Purple Mash to create text and images and then added movement and sounds to their different pages. It took a lot of perseverance and skills relating to editing and saving too – well done to everyone! ⭐️
Category Archives: English
Year Three are washing their mammoth
We have explored the book “How to wash a woolly mammoth’ from Michelle Robinson. We sequenced the process into clear steps and acted it up by washing our reading bus!!! Lots of fun!
Around the world in Reception
This week we have been learning all about Spain. We found where it is on the map, what the flag looks like, what kids of food people in Spain like to eat and lots of other interesting facts. We then created a fact file to help us remember all of the information.
Penguin’s in Year One
Year One have been labelling penguins in English this week. They also used their computing skills to find facts about penguins which will help them to create poems next week! 🐧
The Easter Story
Reception have been finding out about the Easter story this week. We went on a treasure hunt to find clues to help us to retell the story. We collected the clues on our story sticks. We found grey felt for the donkey, feathers for the birds in the temple, a goblet for the last supper, […]
Nursery’s Creative Creatures
This week, we have finished our creatures that we started for World Book Week, we created our own creature and painted it. We then used our creature to tell a story about the adventures the creature went on. We had some great imaginative stories!
Handa’s Surprise in Reception
This week Reception have been reading the lovely story of Handa’s Surprise. The story is about a little girl who lives in a rural village in Kenya, Africa. After reading the story, we found Kenya on our world map, then discussed the similarities and differences between Handa’s homelife and ours.
World Book Week at Hillside
We have once again immersed the children in a week of exciting book themed activities to promote a love of reading. The children began the week with a Booknic. The children brought in blankets and cushions and enjoyed sharing and recommending books with their peers as they tucked into their picnic lunch. It was a […]
Year Three – We are Hobbits!
With World Book Week, we discovered The Hobbit from J.R.R Tolkien and inferred with how a Hobbit could live in the outdoors and what he would do in the Shire. This has helped us with our non-chronological report. We also completed our Woodland hunt finding clues along the Green trail. We were really busy Hobbits.
Book Week in Year Four
Year Four have shown themselves as super authors this week, when writing their adventure stories for our Book Week writing competition. They have been focussing on using ambitious adjectives for description, a range of fronted adverbials to give variety to their sentences and using a wider range of punctuation accurately.