This week Reception have been learning about the story of the Gunpowder Plot. They were excited to learn about Guy Fawkes and his foiled plot to kill King James. The children used the masks o recreate the story.
Category Archives: English
Brazil Day in Year Three
What a fabulous day we had in our Brazil day! We took off to Rio de Janeiro, wrote a holiday leaflet and created a Maths game called ‘The rainforest hunt’. In the afternoon, we have learnt more about how Brazilians live and we prepared ourselves for a carnival. Lots of fun!
Phonics in Year One
In phonics we’ve been playing games and reading words with the sounds we’ve been learning, rolling the dice to take turns and land on different words! We also had to check our friends were reading them correctly – amazing team work! 🏆 We also practised our tricky words using the link below – well done […]
Year Three and our thesaurus.
We learnt to up level and improve our choice of words with a thesaurus. From now on, we will never say ‘I’m hungry’ again. We will use famished, ravenous or starving instead!
Nursery’s Listening Ears
This week we have put on our big listening ears and been for a walk around the school. We listened carefully to hear lots of different sounds , we heard teachers, children, music, toilets flushing, phones ringing, noses blowing and an aeroplane! We all had a great time and really tuned in to the different sounds […]
Nursery: Our Family
This week Nursery have continued their learning about themselves and have been talking about their families. The children have been talking about who lives in their house and creating pictures showing their family members. Well done Nursery, it has been lovely to find out some more about you!
Jesus calms the storm in Reception
This week we had a visit from someone very special, Tessa, the puppet from our local church. Tessa is a Christian and she brought her special book, the Bible to share with us. Tessa read the story of Jesus calming the storm, whilst the children acted it out. It was such a special visit and […]
Year Four Drama
Year Four have been exploring their English text ‘Alfie’s Roman Adventure’ through drama. They wrote questions for Alfie, the main character, then interviewed him about the events int he story so far! Fantastic drama work.
Year One’s Poetry
Year One have begun their poetry unit by studying, labelling and then learning poems about vehicles! 🚘 This will link in to our learning about the local area when we visit Milton later in the term. We matched labels, used our phonics to write our own labels and then learned and performed poems for our […]
Hot seating in Reception
This week we having been reading the story of Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. Following on from this, we hot seated Baby Bear from the story. The children came up with some fantastic questions to ask Baby Bear about his trip to the moon. The answers were amazing!