Year Three get creative!

This week, the children have been creating cushions for the Kapok tree man for their DT project. They have been practising running stitch and back stitch and have made some super comfy cushions!

Mission Successful in Year Two

After receiving a letter asking for help in building a shelter last week, Year two have designed, built and evaluated their structures. All the children had slightly different designs but all fit the design criteria of being stable and strong! A huge well done to all in Year Two.

Celebrations in Reception

Reception have been learning about two celebrations this week; birthdays and the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. In these photos, the children are baking cakes, hunting for objects in the jelly, playing the dreidel game, counting Hanukkah objects and making a Star of David, the Jewish symbol. The children have learned lots of new, exciting facts […]

A mystery letter in Year Two

On Thursday, Year Two’s afternoon was disrupted by a letter that came all the way from Zambia! The children there are having problems with the Enormous Crocodile and have asked Year Two to design, make and evaluate a shelter to help keep them safe. Year two were glad to help and set to work investigating […]

The Great Roman Bake Off in Year Four

Year Four have excelled as bakers today when making their Roman bread rolls. They used a range of equipment, including knives and graters, to prepare their ingredients before kneading their dough and shaping their rolls. This afternoon was then spent creating a persuasive advert for their bread roll and finally evaluating their finished product, which […]

Diwali celebrations

Reception have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali this week. They have participated in lots of exciting activities that have helped them to remember what happens at Diwali time. They loved acting out the story of Rama and Sita in the woods. Ask them to tell you all about it. They have also […]

Roman food tasting in Year Four

Year Four have spent the afternoon tasting a range of foods that the Romans would have eaten, in preparation for designing a new Roman bread roll. What a shame I missed  some of their facial expressions when tasting olives and figs!😊  

Year Six DT

Year Six have been tasked with creating a food stall for Jim, a Victorian child from the story they are reading in English – Street Child. They have designed their market stall, created a prototype and are now creating the real thing. Children are using junior hacksaws to cut wood, and child-friendly glue guns to […]

PTFA Autumn Competition

Thank you to all of the children (and parents!) who took part in our Autumn competition! Here are the deserved winners from each year group, who created amazing designs using paint, crayons, collage and excellent art skills! Well done to every one who entered – we were blown away by your awesome designs! Thank you […]

Loo Roll Engineering Challenge

Do we have any budding engineers out there? If you like hands on, creative activities then Whizz, Pop, Bang magazine are running a competition to build a structure using loo rolls or other tubes. There are prizes for the winning structures! Interested? Follow the link below for more details: