This week we have been learning about and retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs. For our artwork, we decided to combine a range of media to recreate the three houses. We used different techniques such as drawing, collaging, printing, cutting and gluing to combine the materials. We think they will look amazing on […]
Category Archives: Design & Technology
Computer aided design in Year Four
The children are designing and making a memory box for Will from the story Running Wild. They are using a tool called 2design and make to create their designs and once printed they will be assembling their boxes.
Shelters in Year Two
Year Two were sent a letter from a school in Zambia asking for help with designing a shelter to keep them safe from The Enormous Crocodile. The children explored shelters in the school grounds, practised the skills of joining and then built a model shelter, showing excellent teamwork. They tested them out and made changes […]
Reception Design a Fruit Salad
This week, Reception designed their own fruit salad following on from reading the story of Handa’s Surprise. The children selected what fruits they would like in their fruit salad. Then they chose and made it, before tasting it at the end of the day. The children even tasted a few of the less common fruits […]
Year Six’s Market stalls
Year Six have completed their market stalls for the latest D.T unit. They have used their design specifications to measure, cut and assemble a market stall so that Jim, from our English text, ‘Street Child’, can sell his shrimps on the streets of London.
Inter-Faith week ‘Design a Mug’ competition winners
A huge congratulations to out Inter-Faith week ‘Design a Mug’ competition winners. These children really took on board the theme of the week and produced some amazing designs. Well done 👏
Pizzas in Year Two
Children were tasked with creating a pizza that included healthy toppings. They researched common toppings that are put on pizzas, learnt how to safely cut and grate the toppings, designed their healthy pizza and created it. Afterwards, they tasted and evaluated their pizza. They did a super job!
Year One’s Puppets!
Year One have been tasked with making a toy puppet for a friend as part of their DT learning. They had to test lots of different puppets and work out how they were constructed, test their own joining techniques, design and make a puppet, then evaluate it, working out what they liked and what they […]
Reception Showcase
Reception had a fantastically creative time at their showcase on Friday. The singing was beautiful as were the various pieces of artwork that the children created. There was even a treasure hunt linked to one of our favourite stories.
D.T. in Year Six
Year Six have been designated the task of building Jim Jarvis, from our English test ‘Street Child’, a market stall to sell his shrimps. Children are testing out the stability and sturdiness of existing designs before planning their own design and experimenting with joints. We will be eventually making our own market stalls out of […]